Coaching system
Instructor authority:
-Applicable qualifications for teaching assistants for instructor courses and chapter athlete courses:
-Must be 16 years of age or above and have passed the instructor course assessment of the Association (You can directly apply for instructor qualification)
Level 1 coach's authority:-Can organize instructor courses, chapter courses for athletes and serve as head coach
-Applicable qualifications for teaching assistants for first-level coach courses and instructor chapter athlete courses:
-Pass the instructor course assessment and first-level coach
Instructor authority:
-Applicable qualifications for teaching assistants for instructor courses and chapter athlete courses:
-Must be 16 years of age or above and have passed the instructor course assessment of the Association (You can directly apply for instructor qualification)
Level 1 coach's authority:-Can organize instructor courses, chapter courses for athletes and serve as head coach
-Applicable qualifications for teaching assistants for first-level coach courses and instructor chapter athlete courses:
-Pass the instructor course assessment and first-level coach
Level 2 coaching authority:
-Can organize first-level coach courses, instructor chapters for athletes and serve as head coach
-Can serve as a teaching assistant for the second-level coach course and the first-instructor-level athlete course
-Can be appointed by the Association as an examiner for instructor courses and chapter athlete courses to apply for qualifications:
-Our registered first-level coach and C-level referee
-Pass the assessment of the second level coaching course
Three-level coaching authority:
-May be appointed as the head coach or teaching assistant for all levels of courses
-Can be appointed by the Association as the examiner for all levels of courses and chapter athletes courses to apply for qualifications:
-Registered Level 2 Coach
-At least three experience in leading the team as a coach (any group)-At least three times as the head of the first-level coaching course-At least two years of experience in avoidance
-Contribution to the Association and recommended by the Executive Committee